Elder Home Care Guide
Our Home Care Guide is intended to provide you and your loved one with important information that will make your life easier, and it is written in an easy-to-understand manner. The additional useful forms that we provide are intended to standardize the management of the activities involved in daily living and comfort. You will be able to better plan for the requirements of the person receiving your care with the help of this guide, thereby improving their quality of life and making it easier for you to care for your loved ones. Los Angeles: Guide to County Services
Los Angeles County is the most populous county in the United States, with a population of more than 10 million of people. The Board of Supervisors ordered the compilation of this Guide to County Services. This is done in to inform the general public about the services that are now offered. This is an updated version of prior editions, and all of the information provided was accurate as of the publication date. The Countywide Communications Chief Executive Office has made every effort to assure the accuracy of the material in this booklet, and we hope that you find it useful. LOS ÁNGELES: GUÍA DELOS SERVICIOS DEL CONDADO
El Condado de Los Ángeles, con más de 10 millones de personas dentro de sus límites, es el condado más poblado de la nación. Para informar al público sobre los servicios disponibles, la Junta de Supervisores ordenó la elaboración de esta Guía de Servicios del Condado. Esta guía es una actualización de ediciones anteriores y esta versión digital va ser actualizada a medida que haya nueva información disponible. Comunicaciones del Condado Oficina del Director Se ha hecho todo lo posible para garantizar la exactitud del contenido de este folleto, y esperamos le sea útil. CA Elder Law Advocate Guide
CEB is a self-supporting non-profit program of the University of California. Our job is to make your legal research as efficient and accurate as possible so you can spend your valuable time doing what you do best—serving your clients. CEB is the California lawyer’s trusted source for fast, relevant, and practical legal guidance. With CEB, you practice confidently, work efficiently, and get the best results for your clients. Our resources are renowned for their authoritative content. The expert guidance from CEB’s contributors— experienced California lawyers and judges—gives you a quick and dependable starting point for your legal research. Here is the excerpt about Reverse Mortgages and Elder law. |
Life's Three Buckets
Reverse mortgages have changed the playing field in financial planning. We have come a long way from 1969, when UCLA professor Yung Ping Chen stated his support, before the Senate Committee on Aging, for an “actuarial mortgage plan in the form of a housing annuity”. Today, reverse mortgages are being used worldwide, as a way to address the realities of an aging population. Retirement planning that doesn’t properly use all three buckets may be shortchanging the client. |