Let’s Reverse Your Thinking®
with Mathius ‘Marc” Gertz. In my opinion, the key to Staying Financially Healthy is open communication and being proactive, along with a plan designed to address each client's unique needs and goals.
Since the beginning of recorded history, many of history's most influential thinkers have believed that one can find happiness by contributing positively to the lives of others. I believe that no one can make it without help from others; no one makes it in this crazy world alone. To reach our goals, we must occasionally "stand on the shoulders of giants" and "go forward shoulder to shoulder" to succeed. In short: Happiness is found in helping others. Goldie Hawn said it best when she shared,"Giving back is as good for you as it is for those you are helping, because giving gives you purpose. When you have a purpose-driven life, you’re a happier person." My role is to serve as a trusted advisor - a reliable source of information for the advisor, as well as their clients and their families. I have a moral obligation to collaborate with trusted advisors so that I may support them in providing the highest quality service to their respective clients. This sometimes involves looking at the possibility of using a reverse mortgage as a source of liquidity for the estate or retirement planning process. Honest conversation truly does shine a light on misunderstandings and erroneous beliefs. Open dialogue has the remarkable ability to reveal hidden assumptions and misconceptions. I feel the same way about sharing what I know about reverse mortgages with homeowners, their families, and trust advisors. However, it all begins with trust and listening, and teamwork. Everyone desires to feel the way we want to feel. Most often, we seek a good, happy, secure feeling as well as mental tranquility - a peace of mind. For most of us, nothing makes us feel better than knowing that we have financial security. That we genuinely do not have to worry about our financial future. So usually that is the problem that I am asked to see if I can solve using a broad array of different solutions. I maintain a holistic, collaborative approach to the reverse financial planning process that includes educating advisors and keeping them current on financial strategies to help protect the quality of their clients' lives. Sometimes, I feel I am an archeologist of sorts; I am constantly learning how to research facts and dig for the truth. This passion has influenced the way I do business. I am fascinated by the how and why we are where we are today in this world. When I speak with someone, I inquire in a similar way about their personal histories and how and why they made the decisions that they did. I am genuinely interested their truth. I hope you enjoy reading my blog. People read blog posts for a variety of reasons, but gaining new knowledge is by far the most prevalent reason. Some people read to pass the time, while others read to keep up with current events and developments in areas that are important to them. An area that I’m passionate about is self-development and self-improvement. I’m always looking to challenge myself and learn new things. I strive to be a positive force in the community. I also believe that an educated and informed public is essential for our community's and country's health and well-being. Therefore, Staying Financially Healthy means we must collaborate, educate, and problem-solve. So let's Say Why Not to Reverse Your Thinking®. Don't forget to check out our News page for up-to-date information on the latest developments in the reverse mortgage market, as well as retirement planning and elder care. You should also take a peek at our Knowledge Centre page to see if there are any resources that would be useful to you. Stay tuned for upcoming webinar and in person workshops. I cover many topics wealth creation, money and emotions, aging in place and political and financial literacy. As well as exploring reverse financial retirement plans and their history. I would love to have you join us as we separate fact from fiction about reverse mortgages. You will learn the history of reverse mortgages, debunk the myths, and find out how a reverse mortgage can be a tool for retirement planning.
I’d love to hear what you think of us and where you believe we can improve. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. I'm always willing to help! You can also learn more about my company by watching Trusted Advisor for Trusted Advisor Video. |